Leeds Transport Volume Three 1932 – 1953

Volume203Author J Soper
ISBN 978 095102800-6 Price £6.00 Hard cover with dustjacket
A4 size 448 pages with 2 maps as inserts. 23 chapters and 6 appendices.

This book continues the story of public road transport in Leeds, covering the final expansion of the tramway system, including the reserved track lines, as well as the schemes that did not get built.

The impact of the second world war is covered along with the further development of bus services, both private and municipal.

The first stages of tramway abandonment are also covered. It is profusely illustrated mainly in black and white but with colour plates showing the various liveries. It also covers the rolling stock, the track, the staff and the depots with a chapter on fares and tickets.
First published March 2003.

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