Leeds Historical Transport Society is proud to have an open, positive relationship with the media.
We will do our best to assist journalists and member of the public with their questions, whether it's a factual query for a research project or an article being written about transport in and around the city.
Why we do it
- we get lots of positive coverage which spread awareness of the Society and its activities.
- we are given plenty of notice to respond appropriately to negative stories
- we get to work in partnership with the local media on important campaigns
How does media coverage happen?
Media coverage about Leeds Transport Historical Society can be divided into proactive and reactive activities.
- issuing press releases
- setting up photo calls and interviews
- asking the media to run features about us
- tip-offs
- members talking directly to the media
These are generally media enquiries about:
- comments/tip-offs from any source
- agenda items and committee meetings
- national stories and government initiatives
Media enquiries
We aim to deal with questions from media as quickly and effectively as possible but please bear in mind that we are a charity made up of volunteers.
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us.