Well today was a hard but good day. We started with a pile of parts and ended with a complete set of running gear complete with brakes. And it runs, though there is only 6' of track at the moment.
At 9.45 the wheelsets were delivered from Multitech of Ferrybridge.
Here the wheelsets have just arrived.
The crew from the Middleton Railway arrived with the crane and the first pair were lowered onto the ground. Up went the cry, "They're the wrong gauge.".
Then I went to set up the temporary 4' gauge track outside the Engine House.
The first set of wheels then arrived.
The crane slewed and they ere lowered carefully onto the temporary track.
The crane then went back for the second set.
Before long the second set of wheels appeared and they were then slowly rolled into the Engine House.
The dummy underframe was then lifted onto the trestles positioned by the wheels.
The various parts were then laid out ready for the assembly to begin.
The four suspension units were then attached along with all the springs, dampers and various collars and spring seats.
After lunch the sway bar was attached and work began on fitting the brake gear.
A couple of small items of machining needed to be done but by 4.30 the whole unit had been assembled and the brakes tested. The cross beams are in but the tie bars have not been drilled at this stage so they hang below the axleboxes.
All in all a good days work. Now just get the wheels and axles painted and the brake springs fitted and it's ready for delivery.